Top 10k strings from Barreldrop (1983)(Games Machine).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /
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3 ;" WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! ": 2 gy,gx;" "; 2 by,bx;" ": 2 ;"TYPE YOUR ANSWER AND PRESS ENTER" 2 ;"Before you proceed to the next stage, answer this riddle:" 1 |BBB~~xB<@ 1 |BBB|@BBBB 1 |<||~@x|<| 1 sub=s(sub): 1 sc=sc+bonus 1 q$="( L (J K)) ( L (J K))" 1 e=e*(xx+e<31 1 Copyright 1 B~||@@B|B| 1 BBDD@@DDB@ 1 BBBB@@DBBB 1 ;"tile, move off"; 1 ;"it very quick,"; 1 ;"electrified "; 1 ;"YOU WERE BLOWN UP BY THE ALIEN!!": 1 ;"YOU HAVE BECOME SMOKING REMAINS!": 1 ;"YOU GAVE THE WRONG LOGIC ANSWER!": 1 ;"When J=";j;" and K=";k;" and L=";l; 1 ;"What is: 1 ;"What has: 1 ;"Up: P Down: L"; 1 ;"Type your name and press ENTER: " 1 ;"Right: X" 1 ;"Press ~Y~ for another go... 1 ;"Left: Z"; 1 ;"Hi-score ";hi;" by ";h$; 1 ;"Guide Gordon from the top-left square across the electrified maze to the bottom row before continuing! If you tread on an"; 1 ;"Controls:"; 1 ;"Before you proceed to the next stage, answer this:" 1 ;"BONUS OF ";bonus: 1 ;"BARRELDROP"; 1 ;"***!!!***NEW HIGH SCORE***!!!***": 1 ;" what is the logical value of thefollowing expression?"; 1 ;" YOU HAVE LOST ALL YOUR BARRELS!": 1 ;" YOU HAVE FAILED IN YOUR TASK!!" 1 ;" YOU LET AN ALIEN LAND!!! ": 1 ;" YOU GAVE THE WRONG ANSWER!!!": 1 ;" IS THE RESULT 1 OR 0?? 1 +(a$="_");a$: 1 (by,bx)>127 1 '" Press ~SPACE~ to drop a rollingbarrel into a drainpipe, one perpipe."'" Press ~D~ to summon Flash, the dog, if he is there, to restart an inaccurate barrel."''" PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN...": 1 "Ten aliens to destroy; you have five lives. Use G and H to move left and right, press SPACE to fire."''"PRESS ANY KEY TO START...": 1 "Barreldrop" 1 Russell Vincent 1983" 1 Russell Vincent 1983 1 Russell Vincent 1983 1 Drop bar- rel down drainpipes. 1 But sees the end of all others? " 1 A fourth defining measurement, An entity that never dies, 1 4 legs in the morning, 1 3 legs in the evening? 1 2 legs at noon, and 1 However,you managed to score ";sc;